I would like to fade the color of a pixel out toward white, but obviously maintain the same color. If I have a pixel (200,120,40)
, will adding 10 to each value to m
As MarkM suggested, HSB (or HSL) is a simple method for doing this, but will not give perfect hue constance. If this is good enough (I assume you want your own method instead of a module) then this page has code for doing it.
In python it would look like this:
def rgb_to_hsl(rgb):
Converts an rgb (0..255) tuple to hsl
r, g, b = rgb
_r = r / 255 # RGB in percentage
_g = g / 255
_b = b / 255
rgbMin = min(_r, _g, _b)
rgbMax = max(_r, _g, _b)
rgbDelta = rgbMax - rgbMin
l = ( rgbMax + rgbMin ) / 2
if rgbDelta == 0: #Greyscale
h = 0
s = 0
else: # Chromatic data...
if l < 0.5: s = rgbDelta / (rgbMax + rgbMin)
else: s = rgbDelta / (2 - rgbMax - rgbMin)
deltaR = (((rgbMax - _r) / 6) + rgbDelta/2) / rgbDelta
deltaG = (((rgbMax - _g) / 6) + rgbDelta/2) / rgbDelta
deltaB = (((rgbMax - _b) / 6) + rgbDelta/2) / rgbDelta
if _r == rgbMax: h = deltaB - deltaG
elif _g == rgbMax: h = 1/3 + deltaR - deltaB
elif _b == rgbMax: h = 2/3 + deltaG - deltaR
if h < 0: h += 1
if h > 1: h -= 1
return (h, s, l)
def hsl_to_rgb(hsl):
Converts a hsl tuple to rgb(0..255)
h, s, l = hsl
if s == 0: #Greyscale
r = l * 255
g = l * 255
b = l * 255
if l < 0.5: var_2 = l * (1 + s)
else: var_2 = l + s - (s * l)
var_1 = 2 * l - var_2
r = 255 * hue_to_RGB(var_1, var_2, h + 1/3)
g = 255 * hue_to_RGB(var_1, var_2, h)
b = 255 * hue_to_RGB(var_1, var_2, h - 1/3)
return r, g, b
def hue_to_RGB (v1, v2, vH):
Helper for hsl_to_rgb
if vH < 0: vH += 1
if vH > 1: vH -= 1
if (6 * vH) < 1: return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * vH
if (2 * vH) < 1: return v2
if (3 * vH) < 2: return v1 + (v2 - v1) * 6 * (2/3 - vH)
return v1
Then to brighten:
def lighten(rgb):
Given RGB values, returns the RGB values of the same colour slightly
brightened (towards white)
h,s, l = rgb_to_hsl(rgb)
l = min(l+0.1, 1) #limit to 1
return hsl_to_rgb((h, s, l))
The benefit of this method is that the increment is a percentage of the total brightness. Modifying this to take the percentage as an input would be trivial.
You can reverse engineer the mathematical equations form this code, or see HSL to RGB.