I am referring specifically to windows 7.
I have code that associates a certain extension with my application as proposed by webJose on the following page: What registry
Also on Windows 10, this command can't work:
Reg.exe delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.m4v" /f
The solution is to delete the SID key by running a BAT file under TrustedInstaller (with NSudo, PowerRun, etc):
for /f "delims=\ tokens=2" %%A in ('reg query hku ^| findstr /i "S-1-5-21-" ^| findstr /v /i "_Classes"') do set SID=%%A
Reg.exe delete "HKU\%SID%\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.m4v" /f
P.S.: Thanks to @SecurityAndPrivacyGuru for sharing the SID detection command.