I\'m trying to write out a bit of code for the gradient descent algorithm explained in the Stanford Machine Learning lecture (lecture 2 at around 25:00). Below is the implementa
It's not clean from your description what problem you're solving. Also it's very dangerous to post links to external resources - you can be blocked in stackoverflow.
In any case - gradient descend method and (subgradient descend too) with fixed step size (ML community call it learning rate) should not necesseray converge.
p.s. Machine Learning community is not interesting in "convergence condition" and "convergence to what" - they are interested in create "something" which pass cross-validation with good result.
If you're curious about optimization - start to look in convex optimization. Unfortunately it's hard to find job on it, but it append clean vision into what happens in various math optimization things.
Here is source code which demonstrate it for simple quadratic objective:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Gradiend descend method (without stepping) is not converged for convex
# objective
alpha = 0.1
#k = 10.0 # jumping around minimum
k = 20.0 # diverge
#k = 0.001 # algorithm converged but gap to the optimal is big
def f(x): return k*x*x
def g(x): return 2*k*x
x0 = 12
xNext = x0
i = 0
threshold = 0.01
while True:
i += 1
xNext = xNext + alpha*(-1)*(g(xNext))
obj = (xNext)
print "Iteration: %i, Iterate: %f, Objective: %f, Optimality Gap: %f" % (i, xNext, obj, obj - f(0.0))
if (abs(g(xNext)) < threshold):
if i > 50:
print "\nYou launched application with x0=%f,threshold=%f" % (x0, threshold)