My personal experience is that regexs solve problems that can\'t be efficiently solved any other way, and are so frequently required in a world where strings are as important as
I have really mixed feelings. I have used them and know the bones of the syntax and something in me loves their conciseness. However they are not commonly understood and are a highly obfuscated form of code. I too would like to see performance comparisons against similar operations in plain code. There is no question that the exploded code will be more maintainable and more easily and widely understood, which is a serious consideration in any commercial software project.
Even if they turn out to be more performant, the argument for them taken to its logical conclusion would see us all embedding assembler into our code for important loops - perhaps we should. Neat and concise and very fast, but almost un-maintainable.
On balance I think that until the regex syntax becomes mainstream they probably cause more trouble than they solve and should be used only very carefully.