I would like to create costum menu button using VBA in my excel 2010 file using predefined excel button that use face id. In my case i would like to use \"lock\" and \"refresh\
The following Sub BarOpen() works with Excel 2010, most probably also many other versions also, and generates in the Tab "Add-Ins" a custom, temporary toolbar with drop-downs to show the FaceIDs from 1 .. 5020 in groups of 30 items.
Option Explicit
Const APP_NAME = "FaceIDs (Browser)"
' The number of icons to be displayed in a set.
Const ICON_SET = 30
Sub BarOpen()
Dim xBar As CommandBar
Dim xBarPop As CommandBarPopup
Dim bCreatedNew As Boolean
Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
Dim k As Integer
On Error Resume Next
' Try to get a reference to the 'FaceID Browser' toolbar if it exists and delete it:
Set xBar = CommandBars(APP_NAME)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not xBar Is Nothing Then
Set xBar = Nothing
End If
Set xBar = CommandBars.Add(Name:=APP_NAME, Temporary:=True) ', Position:=msoBarLeft
With xBar
.Visible = True
'.Width = 80
For k = 0 To 4 ' 5 dropdowns, each for about 1000 FaceIDs
Set xBarPop = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) ', Before:=1
With xBarPop
.BeginGroup = True
If k = 0 Then
.Caption = "Face IDs " & 1 + 1000 * k & " ... "
.Caption = 1 + 1000 * k & " ... "
End If
n = 1
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) '34 items * 30 items = 1020 faceIDs
.Caption = 1000 * k + n & " ... " & 1000 * k + n + ICON_SET - 1
For m = 0 To ICON_SET - 1
With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) '
.Caption = "ID=" & 1000 * k + n + m
.FaceId = 1000 * k + n + m
End With
Next m
End With
n = n + ICON_SET
Loop While n < 1000 ' or 1020, some overlapp
End With
Next k
End With 'xBar
End Sub