I am trying to extract all text data from an Excel document in C# and am having performance issues. In the following code I open the Workbook, loop over all worksheets, and loop
I use this function. The loops are only for converting to array starting at index 0, the main work is done in object[,] tmp = range.Value
public object[,] GetTable(int row, int col, int width, int height)
object[,] arr = new object[height, width];
Range c1 = (Range)Worksheet.Cells[row + 1, col + 1];
Range c2 = (Range)Worksheet.Cells[row + height, col + width];
Range range = Worksheet.get_Range(c1, c2);
object[,] tmp = range.Value;
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
arr[i, j] = tmp[i + tmp.GetLowerBound(0), j + tmp.GetLowerBound(1)];
return arr;