I\'m fairly new to Angular 2 and are trying to get a grip of how to integrate Angular 2 with existing Javascript UI Framework libraries.
Now I\'m trying to play with th
Here is the way I managed to get the Scheduler working in an Angular2 project. I started with the component called Schedule created by PrimeNG as suggested in a comment above by Cagatay Civici.
I had to modify the file scheduler.component.ts like below.
export class Scheduler {
// Support for Scheduler
@Input() resources: any[];
@Input() resourceAreaWidth: string;
@Input() resourceLabelText: string;
// End Support for Scheduler
// Added functionality
@Input() slotLabelFormat: any;
@Input() titleFormat: any;
@Input() eventBackgroundColor: any;
// End added properties
@Input() events: any[];
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.schedule = jQuery(this.el.nativeElement.children[0]);
resources: this.resources,
resourceAreaWidth: this.resourceAreaWidth,
resourceLabelText: this.resourceLabelText,
titleFormat: this.titleFormat,
slotLabelFormat: this.slotLabelFormat,
eventBackgroundColor: this.eventBackgroundColor,
theme: true,
header: this.header,
Then I had to add the css and script for fullcalendar and scheduler to the index.html.