I have a DataFrame like this:
Name asn count
Org1 asn1,asn2 1
org2 asn3 2
org3 asn4,asn5 5
I would like to convert my DataFrame to look l
Carrying on from the same idea, you could set a MultiIndex for df2
and then stack. For example:
>>> df2 = df.asn.str.split(',').apply(pd.Series)
>>> df2.index = df.set_index(['Name', 'count']).index
>>> df2.stack().reset_index(['Name', 'count'])
Name count 0
0 Org1 1 asn1
1 Org1 1 asn2
0 org2 2 asn3
0 org3 5 asn4
1 org3 5 asn5
You can then rename the column and set an index of your choosing.