Currently if I have an error with an ajax request such as submitting a form (I\'m using ASP.NET MVC 3) it will show something like \'Internal Server Error\'.
But if I do
Although I wouldnt recommend showing the user an error number with the actual response error message this is how you can do this by adding the error
error: function(xhr,err){
alert("readyState: "+xhr.readyState+"\nstatus: "+xhr.status);
alert("responseText: "+xhr.responseText);
xhr is XmlHttpRequest.
readyState values are 1:loading, 2:loaded, 3:interactive, 4:complete.
status is the HTTP status number, i.e. 404: not found, 500: server error, 200: ok.
responseText is the response from the server - this could be text or JSON from the web service, or HTML from the web server.