I\'ve scoured the Web looking for examples on how to do this. I\'ve found a few that seem to be a little more involved then they need to be. So my question is, using iTextShar
I don't know how to do it for PDF files, but for postscript, you just concatenate the files. If you have pdf2ps and ps2pdf installed, the below will do the job:
pdf2ps file1.pdf file1.ps
pdf2ps file2.pdf file2.ps
cat file1.ps file2.ps > combined.ps
ps2pdf combined.ps combined.pdf
I'm not an expert on pdf2ps or ps2pdf. I've only ever used ps2pdf, and when I do so, it leaves text as text (I can still select and copy text from the resulting pdf). When I do the above steps (pdf->ps, combine, ps->pdf) I end up with a resulting pdf that is like an image. No idea why.