Does anyone know of an easy way to embed the list of issues with a specific tag from github onto a website?
This is to embed a list of open bugs on a project website.
Solution using jQuery:
There is a way to this easily using the github api using just javascript (no need to set up github account, registering api tokens, etc..)
Below is a small demo using jquery to get a list of all the open bugs for a github project (jquery in this example)
var urlToGetAllOpenBugs = "";
$(document).ready(function () {
$.getJSON(urlToGetAllOpenBugs, function (allIssues) {
$("div").append("found " + allIssues.length + " issues");
$.each(allIssues, function (i, issue) {
.append("" + issue.number + " - " + issue.title + "")
.append(issue.body + "");