I have a view controller with a delegate method that should be called, but it doesn\'t?
@protocol NotifyingViewControllerDeleg
You can't just specify that an object conforms to a protocol. You must also assign that object as the delegate. When you alloc/init the instance of NotifyingViewController, set its delegate to self and you should be fine.
NotifyingViewController *notifyingInstance = [[NotifyingViewController alloc] init];
[notifyingInstance setDelegate:self];
It is important to both do this, and specify that the class conforms to the protocol, which you're already doing with this line.
@interface NotifiedViewController : UIViewController
Additionally, when calling delegate methods, it's good practice to wrap the function calls in respondsToSelector:
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(iWasAccepted)]) {
[self.delegate iWasAccepted];