I am creating a simple script that outputs the current user logged in, CPU usage for the current system and the available memory?
I have managed to get the current user/
You could always utilise the systeminfo
command, but then would be forced to go through a brief loading screen
set totalMem=
set availableMem=
set usedMem=
REM You need to make a loop
for /f "tokens=4" %%a in ('systeminfo ^| findstr Physical') do if defined totalMem (set availableMem=%%a) else (set totalMem=%%a)
set totalMem=%totalMem:,=%
set availableMem=%availableMem:,=%
set /a usedMem=totalMem-availableMem
Echo Total Memory: %totalMem%
Echo Used Memory: %usedMem%
And that should do exactly what you want. This code can easily be modified to show Virtual Memory as well. (The use of set totalMem=%totalMem:,=%
and set availableMem=%availableMem:,=%
gets rid of commas in the variables.)