I\'m looking for any way for clojure that can trigger an event at a given time,
For example: I want a particular process to start at 9:30am and then I can trigger anothe
I needed something that
After doing a bit of source code reading for at-at, Monotony and Quartzite, I felt that they did not fit the requirements that I was after (which was really something more bare bone) so I wrote my own - cronj
An example of the usage.
(require '[cronj.core :as cj])
(cj/schedule-task! {:id 0 :desc 0
:handler #(println "job 0:" %)
:tab "/5 * * * * * *"}) ;; every 5 seconds
(cj/schedule-task! {:id 1 :desc 1
:handler #(println "job 1:" %)
:tab "/3 * * * * * *"}) ;; every 3 seconds
;; wait for scheduler to do its thing ......