I have created an NSImage object, and ideally would like to determine how many of each pixels colour it contains. Is this possible?
This maybe a more streamlined approach for some and reduce complexity of dropping into memory management.
Code sample https://github.com/koher/EasyImagyCameraSample
import EasyImagy
let image = Image>(nsImage: "test.png") // N.B. init with nsImage
print(image[x, y])
image[x, y] = RGBA(red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 127)
image[x, y] = RGBA(0xFF00007F) // red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 127
// Iterates over all pixels
for pixel in image {
// ...
//// Gets a pixel by subscripts Gets a pixel by
let pixel = image[x, y]
// Sets a pixel by subscripts
image[x, y] = RGBA(0xFF0000FF)
image[x, y].alpha = 127
// Safe get for a pixel
if let pixel = image.pixelAt(x: x, y: y) {
print(pixel.gray) // (red + green + blue) / 3
print(pixel) // formatted like "#FF0000FF"
} else {
// `pixel` is safe: `nil` is returned when out of bounds
print("Out of bounds")