I want to rename a large number of files in increasing order of numbers, starting from anywhere. But when I rename multiple files, it leaves me with parentheses. eg i rename f
In the File Explorer window, select all files, right-click and select rename. Windows will select the starting number as the number supplied between the round brackets so name the file using a number that is 1 digit more than the number of digits required.
Example: We want the pattern "test_xxx". Using the File Explorer, rename the files to "tes(1000)". Your files will now be named ["tes(1000)", "tes(1001)", "tes(1002)", etc..]. Hold SHIFT and right click in the open area of the File Explorer, then choose "Open command window here". Issue the following command:
ren *.* test_???.*
This will rename all the files to the proper format ["test_000", "test_001", "test_002", etc..].