I\'ll try to make a brief description of my Selenium framework so that I can explain my problem.
I use Selenium 2 (current version 2.3.1) + test
If you would like an alternative to the unpredictable names you get with %thread as I usually do, you can use simple thread-local IDs. Its much easier on the eyes. This will work with logback...
public class ThreadIdConverter extends ClassicConverter {
private static int nextId = 0;
private static final ThreadLocal threadId = new ThreadLocal() {
protected String initialValue() {
int nextId = nextId();
return String.format("%05d", nextId);
private static synchronized int nextId() {
return ++nextId;
public String convert(ILoggingEvent event) {
return threadId.get();
Then put this simple line in your logback XML:
Set your pattern something like this (notice "tid"):
%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%tid] %-5level - %msg%n
And your logs will look like this:
10:32:02.517 [00001] INFO something here
10:32:02.517 [00002] INFO something here
10:32:02.517 [00003] INFO something here
10:32:02.517 [00001] INFO something more here
10:32:02.517 [00001] INFO something more here
You can do this with any logger that supports custom extensions. Hope it helps.