i have 100 image, each one is 598 * 598 pixels, and i want to remove the pictorial and noise by taking the average of pixels, but if i want to use Adding for \"pixel by pixel\"t
Firstly- convert images to floats. You have N=100 images. Imagine that a single image is an array of average pixel values of 1 image. You need to calculate an array of average pixel values of N images.
Let A
- array of average pixel values of X
images, B
- array of average pixel values of Y
images. Then C = (A * X + B * Y) / (X + Y)
- array of average pixel values of X + Y
images. To get better accuracy in floating point operations X
and Y
should be approximately equal
You may merge all you images like subarrays in merge sort. In you case merge operation is C = (A * X + B * Y) / (X + Y)
where A
and B
are arrays of average pixel values of X
and Y