I am using Spring data pagination in my REST Controller and returning Paged entity. I would like to control the data returned as JSON with the help of JSONViews.
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Setting DEFAULT_VIEW_INCLUSION has a global effect, while all we need is to be able to serialize a Page object. The following code will register a serializer for Page, and is a simple change to your code:
public Module springDataPageModule() {
return new SimpleModule().addSerializer(Page.class, new JsonSerializer() {
public void serialize(Page value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException {
gen.writeNumberField("totalPages", value.getTotalPages());
gen.writeNumberField("number", value.getNumber());
gen.writeNumberField("size", value.getSize());
gen.writeBooleanField("first", value.isFirst());
gen.writeBooleanField("last", value.isLast());
Another (arguably more elegant) solution is to register the following ResponseBodyAdvice. It will make sure your REST endpoint will still return a JSON array, and set a HTTP header 'X-Has-Next-Page' to indicate whether there is more data. The advantages are: 1) No extra count(*) query to your DB (single query) 2) Response is more elegant, since it returns a JSON array
* ResponseBodyAdvice to support Spring data Slice object in JSON responses.
* If the value is a slice, we'll write the List as an array, and add a header to the HTTP response
* @author blagerweij
public class SliceResponseBodyAdvice implements ResponseBodyAdvice