Since IE6 does not support the child selector (see, what is the alternative when dealing with this browser?
I do not want to modify the m
Here is a good solution I have found in a book: "The Anthology of Javascript"
Something like that:
/* for all but IE */
#nav ul li.currentpage > a:hover {
background-color: #eff;
And the code to cater for IE:
/* for IE */
* html #nav ul li.currentpage a:hover {
background-color: expression(/currentpage/.test(this.parentNode.className)? "#eff" : "#ef0");
The hack for IE is that only IE thinks that there is a wrapper over html, and IE does support the expression() stuff.
The expression uses a regular expression (/currentpage/), and tests it against the class of the parent node, so the direct children of the element li.currentpage will be set to #eff, the other descendants will be set to #ef0.
Note that the colours used are fake, please do not comment on them ;-)