how do I select ComboBox\'s SelectedIndex = -1?
I wrote a code to automate testing:
AutomationElement aeBuildMachine = null;
int count =
This is what worked for me.
/// Extension method to select item from comboxbox
/// Combobox Element
/// Item to select
public static bool SelectComboboxItem(this AutomationElement comboBox, string item)
if (comboBox == null) return false;
// Get the list box within the combobox
AutomationElement listBox = comboBox.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.List));
if (listBox == null) return false;
// Search for item within the listbox
AutomationElement listItem = listBox.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, item));
if (listItem == null) return false;
// Check if listbox item has SelectionItemPattern
object objPattern;
if (true == listItem.TryGetCurrentPattern(SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers.Pattern, out objPattern))
SelectionItemPattern selectionItemPattern = objPattern as SelectionItemPattern;
selectionItemPattern.Select(); // Invoke Selection
return true;
return false;
AutomationElement paymentCombobox = element.FindFirst(
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "cbPayment")