I understand that the following method is great for setting CSS styles because of browser compatibility.
element.style.cssText = \"color:red;\";
You could always add an individual style rule to an existing style sheet, instead of creating a new style element. Something along the lines of:
function addStyle() {
var style = document.styleSheets[0]; //select style sheet (0==first)
var styleSel = ".class:hover"; //define selector
var styleDec = "color: red;"; //define declaration
if(style.insertRule) { //for modern, DOM-compliant browsers
style.insertRule(styleSel+'{'+styleDec+'}', style.cssRules.length);
//I chose to do it this way to more easily support the addRule method, but
//know that insertRule only needs two parameters, full style rule
//(selector+prop/value declarations), and index to insert rule at
// styleSheets[0].insertRule(rule, index);
}else { //for IE < 9
style.addRule(styleSel, styleDec, -1);
I adapted the example at MDN
This assumes you are using a class (that is already defined and applied) to add the :hover pseudo-selector to, but it could just as easily be an ID or element selector.
If you were unable to add a class or style rule beforehand, you could also do that dynamically in much the same way (define class, define class:hover, then apply class to desired elements).