I am doing some OS experiment. Until now, all my code utilized the real mode BIOS interrupt to manipulate hard disk and floppy. But once my code enabled the Protect Mode of the
V86: yes the way to go, but if setting up an OS:
try this(designed for long mode but should work.I havent tested this YET, I see no reason it wont work yet.Issue is not nasm, its ld.)
LD H8s 16-bit ELF/aout references.This is standard to load from GRUB.
I kow the 32-bit CS is off, I need to double check its location. Otherwise it looks ok.
This is hard to find code.
-- ;modify for 32bit??
;this code is placed somewhere after 10000h
;-----we're in LONG MODE-----
mov dword [.stckptr], esp ;first of all save stack
sgdt [.gdtv32] ;save your gdt pointer
lgdt [.gdtv16] ;load a new one
sidt [.idt32] ;save your idt pointer
lidt [.idt16] ;load real mode idt
;far jump in long mode is not possible, do a trick
push @f-10000h ;this is CS*10h, modify if needed!
dd 0
align 16
dw 0
dd 0
align 16
dw .gdtend-.gdt-1
dd .gdt,0
align 16
dd 0,0 ;null descriptor
DESC_DATA=8 ;descriptor in YOUR GDT (modify)
dd 00000000h,00209800h ;32 bit mode cs -MOD ME
dd 0000FFFFh,00009801h ;16 bit real mode cs (modify base if needed!)
align 16
dw 0
dd 0
align 16
dw 3FFh
dd 0
;-----we're in COMPATIBLITY MODE-----
;disable paging and protmode at once
@@: mov eax, cr0
and eax, 7FFFFFFEh
mov cr0, eax
;set up real mode segment registers and stack
mov esp, realmode_stack_top ;modify it to your needs!
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
;convert long mode rip to real mode cs:ip
;jmp CS:(pmode address)-CS*10h
jmp 1000h:@f-10000h ;modify if needed!
;-----we're in REAL MODE-----
@@: ;***********call some BIOS interrupt here**********
mov ax, 3
int 10h
;switch back to long mode
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 80000001h
mov cr0, eax ;enable protmode and paging
;jmp DESC_LONG:@f
db 66h
db 0EAh
dd @f
;-----we're in protected MODE-----
@@: lgdt [cs:.gdtv32] ;restore gdt
mov ax, DESC_DATA ;read YOUR DATA descriptor to selectors
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
mov ss, ax
lidt [.idt32] ;restore idt
mov rsp, qword [.stckptr] ;restore stack
;must be a non rip-relative jump
mov eax, @f
jmp eax