Note that this question applies to Ember Data pre-1.0 beta, the mechanism for loading relationships via URL has changed significantly post-1.0 beta!
I got a small step closer to getting it working with revision 13 and based myself on sfossen's findHasMany implementation.
For an Ember model 'Author' with a hasMany relationship 'blogPosts', my rest api looks like '/api/authors/:author_id/blog_posts'. When querying the rest api for an author with id 11 the blog_posts field reads '/authors/11/blog_posts'.
I now see the related blog posts being returned by the server, but Ember still throws an obscure error that it can not read 'id' from an undefined model object when rendering the page. So I'm not quite there yet, but at least the related data is correctly requested from the rest service.
My complete adapter:
App.Adapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
url: 'http://localhost:3000',
namespace: 'api',
serializer: DS.RESTSerializer.extend({
keyForHasMany: function(type, name) {
return Ember.String.underscore(name);
extractHasMany: function(record, json, relationship) {
var relationShip = relationship + '_path';
return { url : json[relationShip] }
findHasMany: function(store, record, relationship, details) {
var type = relationship.type;
var root = this.rootForType(type);
var url = this.url + '/' + this.namespace + details.url;
var serializer = this.get('serializer');
return this.ajax(url, "GET", {}).then(
function(json) {
var relationship_key = Ember.String.underscore(relationship.key);
store.loadMany(type, json[relationship_key]);
var list = $.map(json[relationship_key], function(o){
return serializer.extractId(type, o);}
store.loadHasMany(record, relationship.key, list);
}).then(null, $.rejectionHandler);