This is all untested, but you could use ng-keypress
To call a function something like:
appCtrl.$scope.logKeys = function($rootScope,$event){
$rootScope.keyLog.shift(); // Remove First Item of Array
$rootScope.keyLog.push($event.keyCode); // Adds new key press to end of Array
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[0] !== 38) { return false; } // 38 == up key
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[1] !== 38) { return false; }
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[2] !== 40) { return false; } // 40 = down key
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[3] !== 40) { return false; }
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[4] !== 27) { return false; } // 37 = left key
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[5] !== 39) { return false; } // 39 = right key
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[6] !== 37) { return false; }
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[7] !== 39) { return false; }
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[8] !== 65) { return false; } // 65 = a
if($scope.$rootScope.keyLog[9] !== 66) { return false; } // 66 = b
$rootScope.doThisWhenAllKeysPressed(); // Got this far, must all match!
return true;
Outside an input field, I don't think ng-keypress works, but the keypress from angular-ui might.
I'm sure there should be an array diff kinda function too, but the specific call evades me right now.