I\'ve setup a new worker role and setup a couple of new config transforms for it via SlowCheetah. When I build the project with one of the new configs selected, I do in fact see
Yes, you can do this - and it is even very easy once you know how.
App.config is not transformed by design but fortunately the Azure Team made the build/deploy process very extensible exactly for these kinds of scenarios. What you need to do is reasonably well documented, though in a very roundabout way and most articles assume you are already familiar with MSBuild scripts and the like.
Below you will find the lines you need to put into your project that will make this Just Work. That should take no more than five minutes. Please note that this is not a hack - the whole Azure deploy process is designed to support this kind of thing.
If you want to know more, there are some links to related articles at the bottom.
The way we can solve this is by hooking into the build process for the Cloud project. When you deploy the project to Azure, the Cloud project will be built using a build process you can hook into. In short, the cloud project builds the web and worker roles and puts them under the Obj folder under your cloud project. It then runs a process that essentially zips all that up and finally put the result into the Bin folder. From there, the "zip" file and a configuration file is uploaded to Azure.
Is to manually edit your Cloud.csproj file (if you do it from within Visual Studio you need to unload the project first).
Then add this right above the closing tag: