There are two LessCSS compilers in PHP that I am aware of:
Both claim to be compatible
AFAIK is not compatible with Boostrap 3 > 3.0.0, see works for me i have successful used it for JBST ( i didn't use the cache function.
Without caching you can call $parser->parseFile()
for every file you include, it will compile to one file. array(/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less' => '/mysite/');
. Use an array of array's for multiple files: array(array(/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less' => '/mysite/'), array(/var/www/mysite/.less' => '/mysite/'));
parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '' );
$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/mainless.css', '' );
$css = $parser->getCss();
Less_Cache::Get seems to work for only one file a time.
update As commented by @user697576 Less_Cache::Get()
accepts a single file or a list (array of files). A single file will be array like array(/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less' => '/mysite/');
From the docs:
Use the Less_Cache class to save and reuse the results of compiled less files. This method we check the modified time of each less file (including imported files) and regenerate when changes are found.
I highlight including imported files cause this seems to solve your problem. Merge your files with LESS:
@import "my.less";
@import "mainless.css";
And compile styles.less only.
/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less - Is this the less file to be compiled?
Yes, why not? Make sure the files imported in bootstrap.less are available in the same directory as bootstrap.less, or use $parser->SetImportDirs()
to set the right path.
/mysite/ - what is this for??
It setting the right path. If you LESS file contain for example url(image.png)
it outputs url( /mysite/image.png)
. Note Bootstrap use ../ for the path of the glyphicons, this won't be corrected or even worse become /mysite/../. You will have to set this path in LESS: @icon-font-path: "/mysite/fonts/";
/var/www/writable_folder - Is this wherethe css is written to?
Nope after $compiled = file_get_contents( '/var/www/writable_folder/'.$css_file_name );
contains the (compiled) CSS you have to write this to a file. Or use: $css_file_name = Less_Cache::Get( $to_cache ); in your HTML:
update Notice that since Bootstrap 3.2.0. prefixing of the properties in Bootstrap is be done by the autoprefixer in the build process. The preceding means that the Bootstrap Less code code contain property declaration which only use the W3C syntax whilst prefixing is required for cross browser support. Compiling your source with less.php does not run the autoprefixer. See also: