I\'m using Google Maps V3 api. I am submitting an address search to return the proper geocoded result including the address, name of establishment, and lat/lngs.
My prob
Why not have your DB mirror only the following keys?
street_number -> address street number
route -> the street name
locality -> the city/town
administrative_area_level_3 -> the city/town
administrative_area_level_1 -> the state
postal_code -> zip/postal code
Where a locality
exists, use that in your request (as it appears to deliver the more detailed info - http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/#JSON )
Where no street name
or locality
exists, request administrative_area_level_3
and administrative_area_level_1
This would provide you with a full human-readable postal address when the info exists or just the city/state for a sublocality (e.g. beach), as you mentioned in one of the comments.
**I'm assuming you only care about the US.