I have one file (location) that has an x,y coordinates and a date/time identification. I want to get information from a second table (weather) that has a \"similar\" date/time
I needed to bring that data in as data and time separately and then paste and format
location$dt.time <- as.POSIXct(paste(location$date, location$time),
format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
And the same for weather
Then for each value of date.time in location
, find the entry in weather
that has the lowest absolute values for the time differences:
sapply(location$dt.time, function(x) which.min(abs(difftime(x, weather$dt.time))))
# [1] 2 3 8 9
cbind(location, weather[ sapply(location$dt.time,
function(x) which.min(abs(difftime(x, weather$dt.time)))), ])
x y date time dt.time date time temp wind dt.time
2 1 3 01/02/2003 18:00 2003-01-02 18:00:00 01/02/2003 16:34 10 16 2003-01-02 16:34:00
3 2 3 01/02/2003 19:00 2003-01-02 19:00:00 01/02/2003 20:55 14 22 2003-01-02 20:55:00
8 3 4 01/03/2003 23:00 2003-01-03 23:00:00 01/03/2003 23:44 2 33 2003-01-03 23:44:00
9 2 5 01/04/2003 02:00 2003-01-04 02:00:00 01/04/2003 01:55 6 22 2003-01-04 01:55:00
cbind(location, weather[
function(x) which.min(abs(difftime(x, weather$dt.time)))), ])[ #pick columns
x y dt.time temp wind dt.time.1
2 1 3 2003-01-02 18:00:00 10 16 2003-01-02 16:34:00
3 2 3 2003-01-02 19:00:00 14 22 2003-01-02 20:55:00
8 3 4 2003-01-03 23:00:00 2 33 2003-01-03 23:44:00
9 2 5 2003-01-04 02:00:00 6 22 2003-01-04 01:55:00
My answers seem a bit different than yours but another reader has already questioned your abilities to do the matching properly by hand.