Bit of a newbie here, im trying to install GC SDK following the guidelines here
Do you want to update
The last line appears to indicate a permissions issue, preventing the setup from writing to your .bash_profile, you could try running the SDK installer with admin privileges, to do this run:
sudo curl | bash
When it prompts you for a password, just enter your normal logon password.
Alternatively, if you are comfortable with editing your .bash_profile manually, when you are asked Do you want to update your system path to include the Google Cloud SDK? you could answer N, which will likely allow the setup to complete without error. You would then have to add the Cloud SDK tools to your system path manually. To do this edit the file using nano (or any other editor)
nano $HOME/.bash_profile
Then at the bottom of the file add the line:
export PATH=$HOME/google-cloud-sdk/bin:$PATH
Then exit and save, by pressing Ctrl + X and then Y
You will then need to close your current terminal window and then open a new one for the tools to become available.
Note: If you get a permissions error, and are unable to save, you will need to Ctrl + X, then N to exit nano, then reopen, this time using elevated permissions:
sudo nano $HOME/.bash_profile