I was reading up on Django bulk_create and a few of its \"flaws\":
This has a number of caveats though:
1. The model\'s save() method will not be called, and
Try setting the ids manually. To prevent race conditions, make sure to wrap the function as a single transaction.
from django.db import transaction, models
def bulk_create_with_manual_ids(foo_list):
id_start = (Foo.objects.all().aggregate(models.Max('id'))['id__max'] or 0) + 1
for i,foo in enumerate(foo_list): foo.id = id_start + i
return Foo.objects.bulk_create(foo_list)
objList = [Foo(),Foo(),Foo()]
foo_objects = bulk_create_with_manual_ids(objList)
Note that this approach is unsuitable for any table that has a serial
field or other auto-incrementing in-database generated key. The key will not be incremented by the bulk create since IDs are being generated on the Django side.