I\'m working on a rss reader. It is just a tableview and each cell shows a custom data model RSSEntry. And I have a NSMutableArray allEntries which contains all RSSEntry I got f
For iOS 12:
for archivedDataWithRootObject
NSData *myDicData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:AllDataDic
requiringSecureCoding:YES error:nil];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:myDicData forKey:@"Yourkey"];
for unarchivedObjectOfClass
NSData *tempData = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"Yourkey"];
NSDictionary *myDicProfile = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClass:[NSDictionary class]
fromData:tempData error:nil];