I am a Java programmer who learns Haskell.
I work on a small web-app that uses Happstack and talks to a database via HDBC.
I\'ve written select and
I modified the code above, now it's able to compile at least.
module ConnPool ( newConnPool, withConn, delConnPool ) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Database.HDBC
data Pool a =
Pool { poolMin :: Int, poolMax :: Int, poolUsed :: Int, poolFree :: [a] }
newConnPool :: Int -> Int -> IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO (MVar (Pool a), IO a, (a -> IO ()))
newConnPool low high newConn delConn = do
-- cs <- handleSqlError . sequence . replicate low newConn
cs <- replicateM low newConn
mPool <- newMVar $ Pool low high 0 cs
return (mPool, newConn, delConn)
delConnPool (mPool, newConn, delConn) = do
pool <- takeMVar mPool
if length (poolFree pool) /= poolUsed pool
then putMVar mPool pool >> fail "pool in use"
else mapM_ delConn $ poolFree pool
takeConn (mPool, newConn, delConn) = modifyMVar mPool $ \pool ->
case poolFree pool of
conn:cs ->
return (pool { poolUsed = poolUsed pool + 1, poolFree = cs }, conn)
_ | poolUsed pool < poolMax pool -> do
conn <- handleSqlError newConn
return (pool { poolUsed = poolUsed pool + 1 }, conn)
_ -> fail "pool is exhausted"
putConn :: (MVar (Pool a), IO a, (a -> IO b)) -> a -> IO ()
putConn (mPool, newConn, delConn) conn = modifyMVar_ mPool $ \pool ->
let used = poolUsed pool in
if used > poolMin pool
then handleSqlError (delConn conn) >> return (pool { poolUsed = used - 1 })
else return $ pool { poolUsed = used - 1, poolFree = conn : (poolFree pool) }
withConn connPool = bracket (takeConn connPool) (putConn connPool)