I\'m using SwiftUI to animate an expand and collapse in a list.
How can I get the height expansion of the section to animate smoothly like it would in UIKit with a table
I implemented it like this: (It is with proper animation)
struct ExpandCollapseList : View {
@State var sectionState: [Int: Bool] = [:]
var body: some View {
ForEach(1...6){ section in
Section(header: Text("Section \(section)").onTapGesture {
self.sectionState[section] = !self.isExpanded(section)
}) {
if self.isExpanded(section){
ForEach(1...4){ row in
Text("Row \(row)")
.navigationBarTitle(Text("Expand/Collapse List"))
func isExpanded(_ section:Int) -> Bool {
sectionState[section] ?? false