I\'m running IntelliJ Idea under linux. I have created a project and a module inside it, and in that module I have a class (MyClass.class) and when I\'m trying to run it from ID
I've run into the same problem - I moved my projects (and Idea settings) from a laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 and sun-jdk-6 to a PC with Ubunty 11.10 and openjdk-6. Upon project rebuild I got MyClass.class (No Such file or directory)
errors for ALL classes.
Thanks to Jaroslav, his (almost) solution did helped - I can't explain why, perhaps it would work with sun-jdk-6 too... So, I installed openjdk-7, without removing openjdk-6, and set 7th as a project's JDK in Idea. (I did not change anything in environment variables.) With jdk7 it compiled.
PS I should've written it as a comment to Jaroslav's post, not a separate answer, but I don't yet have enough reputation to do this...