I want to be able to pair up all parentheses in a string, if they aren\'t paired then then they get their index number and False. It seems like it is repeating some values over
Thanks hughdbrown your code was a breeze to get working and it's really short! You've just saved me a headache :D
converted it to pep8 if thats ok :)
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(("'''", "'''"), ('"""', '"""'), ('#', '\n')))
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=(('/*', '*/'), ('//', '\n')))
you get the point? :)
charset = dict(opening='{[(<',\
string = ('"', "'"),\
comment=((''), ('"""', '"""'), ('#', '\n')))
allowed = ''.join([x[0][0] + x[1][0] for x in charset['comment']])
allowed += ''.join(charset['string'])
allowed += charset['opening']
allowed += charset['closing']
def brace_check(text):
o = []
c = []
notr = []
found = []
busy = False
last_pos = None
for i in xrange(len(text)):
ch = text[i]
if not busy:
cont = True
for comment in charset['comment']:
if ch == comment[0][0]:
como = text[i:len(comment[0])]
if como == comment[0]:
busy = comment[1]
if ch in charset['opening']:
last_pos = i
cont = False
if cont:
if ch in charset['string']:
busy = ch
elif ch in charset['opening']:
o.append((ch, i))
elif ch in charset['closing']:
c.append((ch, i))
if ch == busy[0]:
if len(busy) == 1:
comc = ch
comc = text[i:i + len(busy)]
if comc == busy:
if last_pos is not None:
if busy[-1] in charset['closing']:
found.append((last_pos, i))
last_pos = None
text = text[:i] + '\n' * len(comc) +\
text[i + len(comc):]
busy = not busy
elif busy in charset['string']:
if ch == '\n':
busy = not busy
for t, e in reversed(o):
n = next((b, v) for b, v in c\
if b == charset['closing'][\
charset['opening'].find(t)] and v > e)
n = n[1]
if found != []:
if e < found[-1][0] and n > found[-1][0] and n < found[-1][1]\
or e < found[-1][1] and n > found[-1][1] and e > found[-1][0]:
found.append((n, False))
n = False
except StopIteration:
n = False
found.append((e, n))
for t, e in c:
found.append((e, False))
return found