I am aware of the heroku pg:push
command which pushes an entire database up to Heroku.
Now that I am launching my product, I would like to be able to push u
I wrote script which extracts DB url from heroku. Then it dumps single tables from production and restores them on development/localhost. Run it like this:
rake production_to_development:run\['users;news;third_table',my-sushi-app\]
namespace :production_to_development do
task :run, [:tables, :app] => [:environment] do |t, args|
tables = args["tables"].split(';')
database_url = nil
Bundler.with_clean_env { database_url = `heroku config:get DATABASE_URL --app=#{args["app"]}` }
require 'addressable/uri'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse(database_url)
remote_database = uri.path[1,uri.path.length-2] # there is \n at the end of the path!
tables.each do |table|
backup_file = "tmp/#{table}.backup"
#bin_dir = "/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin"
bin_dir = ""
dump_command = "PGPASSWORD=#{uri.password} #{bin_dir}/pg_dump --file \"#{backup_file}\" --host \"#{uri.host}\" --port \"#{uri.port}\" --username \"#{uri.user}\" --no-password --verbose --format=c --blobs --table \"public.#{table}\" \"#{remote_database}\""
`psql -U 'root' -d my_table -c 'drop table if exists #{table}'`
`pg_restore -d my_table --no-owner #{backup_file}`