I have added a download button to my flexdashboard in the sidebar panel, but it appears in the main panel when I knit the .RMD. Can you please guide me as to how I can fix it? <
Never mind, I fixed it and it was rather silly of me to have not tried it before posting the question, but if someone ever faces a similar problem, the solution is here.
The download handler function must simply be placed in the sidebar panel as well and that does it.
Inputs {.sidebar}
### Input Filters
```{r input}
## Metric 1
'Choose Metric',
names(dataset %>% select(-default_column)),
selected = "default_metric")
## Download Button
downloadButton('downloadData','Download Result Set')
downloadHandler(filename = function() {
paste('resultset-', Sys.Date(), '.csv', sep='')
content = function(file) {
write.csv(subset_dataset(), file, row.names = FALSE)