Instead of having a composite primary key (this table maintains the relationship between the two tables which represents two entities [two tables]), the design is proposed to ha
Composite primary keys have to be imported in all referencing tables.
That means larger indexes, and more code to write (e.g. the joins,
the updates). If you are systematic about using composite primary
keys, it can become very cumbersome.
You can't update a part of the primary key. E.g. if you use
university_id, student_id as primary key in a table of university
students, and one student changes university, you have to delete
and recreate the record.
Composite primary keys allow to enforce a common kind of constraint
in a powerful and seemless way. Suppose you have a table UNIVERSITY,
a table STUDENT, a table COURSE, and a table STUDENT_COURSE (which
student follows which course). If it is a constraint that you always
have to be a student of university A in order to follow a course of
university A, then that constraint will be automatically validated if
university_id is a part of the composite keys of both STUDENT and