I have now seen several projects ending at a point where the actual configuration depended on things only available at run-time.
The typical way to configure a Java prog
Good, much smaller solution is an embedded Scheme for Java. Out of many implementations, I found and tested JScheme. (API looks okay: http://jscheme.sourceforge.net/jscheme/doc/api/index.html)
A simple main program in Java:
import jscheme.JScheme;
import jscheme.SchemeException;
import java.io.*;
public class SchemeTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JScheme js = null;
try {
js = new JScheme();
js.load(new FileReader("config.scm"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return; }
System.out.println("Message: '" + js.eval("msg") + "'");
// Values
int answer = (Integer) js.eval("answer");
// Function calls
System.out.println(js.call("countdown", 42));
And an example config.scm
(define (countdown x)
(define (loop x acc)
(if (= x 0)
(loop (- x 1) (+ acc x))))
(loop x 0))
;;; config variables
(define msg "Hello from JScheme!")
;; tail calls are optimized as required
(define answer (countdown 42))
The scheme is being interpreted at startup every time, so this is good choice for configurations. Advantages to JScheme include:
Benchmark update: this code runs in 0.13 seconds time. Compared to the Clojure version's time this is pretty fast.