I\'m trying to use the new mvc-mini-profiler with my EF4 based app, but I have no idea how to properly get a connection to my destination datasource.
Here\'s as far as I
Here is a slightly better performing, but slightly hackier solution to getting the store connection.
public static DbConnection GetStoreConnection() where T : System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext
return GetStoreConnection("name=" + typeof(T).Name);
public static DbConnection GetStoreConnection(string entityConnectionString)
DbConnection storeConnection;
// Let entity framework do the heavy-lifting to create the connection.
using (var connection = new EntityConnection(entityConnectionString))
// Steal the connection that EF created.
storeConnection = connection.StoreConnection;
// Make EF forget about the connection that we stole (HACK!)
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(connection, null);
// Return our shiny, new connection.
return storeConnection;