Looking for an example of how to post json with AFHTTPClient
. I see that there is a postPath method which takes an NSDictionary
and the AFJSONEncode me
The best and simple way to do that is to subclass AFHTTPClient.
Use this code snippet
#define YOUR_BASE_PATH @"http://sample.com"
#define YOUR_URL @"post.json"
#define ERROR_DOMAIN @"com.sample.url.error"
#pragma mark - Life and Birth
+ (id)sharedHTTPClient
static dispatch_once_t pred = 0;
__strong static id __httpClient = nil;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
__httpClient = [[self alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:YOUR_BASE_PATH]];
[__httpClient setParameterEncoding:AFJSONParameterEncoding];
[__httpClient registerHTTPOperationClass:[AFJSONRequestOperation class]];
//[__httpClient setAuthorizationHeaderWithUsername:@"" password:@""];
return __httpClient;
#pragma mark - Custom requests
- (void) post<#Objects#>:(NSArray*)objects
success:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *request, NSArray *objects))success
failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *request, NSError *error))failure
[self postPath:YOUR_URL
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *request, id JSON){
NSLog(@"getPath request: %@", request.request.URL);
if(JSON && [JSON isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
if(success) {
else {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:ERROR_DOMAIN code:1 userInfo:nil];
if(failure) {
Then in your code just call
[[MBHTTPClient sharedHTTPClient] post<#Objects#>:objects
success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *request, NSArray *objects) {
failure:(AFHTTPRequestOperation *request, NSError *error){
NSLog("NOK %@",error);
objects is an NSArray (you can change it to NSDictonary) and will be encode in JSON format