Here\'s the method under test:
- (void)loginWithUser:(NSString *)userName andPass:(NSString *)pass {
NSDictionary *userPassD = @{@\"user\":userName,
If I follow you right, this may do what you want:
@interface ExampleLC : NSObject
- (void)loginWithUserPass:userPassD withSuccess:(void (^)(NSString *authToken))successBlock failure:(void (^)(NSString *errorMessage))failureBlock;
@implementation ExampleLC
- (void)loginWithUserPass:userPassD withSuccess:(void (^)(NSString *authToken))successBlock failure:(void (^)(NSString *errorMessage))failureBlock
@interface Example : NSObject {
ExampleLC *_loginCntrl;
- (void)saveToken:(NSString *)authToken;
- (void)loginWithUser:(NSString *)userName andPass:(NSString *)pass;
@implementation Example
- (void)saveToken:(NSString *)authToken
- (void)loginWithUser:(NSString *)userName andPass:(NSString *)pass {
NSDictionary *userPassD = @{@"user":userName,
[_loginCntrl loginWithUserPass:userPassD withSuccess:^(NSString *authToken){
// save authToken to credential store
[self saveToken:authToken];
} failure:^(NSString *errorMessage) {
// alert user pass was wrong
@interface loginTest : SenTestCase
@implementation loginTest
- (void)testExample
Example *exampleOrig = [[Example alloc] init];
id loginCntrl = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[ExampleLC class]];
[[[loginCntrl expect] andDo:^(NSInvocation *invocation) {
void (^successBlock)(NSString *authToken) = [invocation getArgumentAtIndexAsObject:3];
}] loginWithUserPass:OCMOCK_ANY withSuccess:OCMOCK_ANY failure:OCMOCK_ANY];
exampleOrig->_loginCntrl = loginCntrl;
id example = [OCMockObject partialMockForObject:exampleOrig];
[[example expect] saveToken:@"Dummy"];
[example loginWithUser:@"ABC" andPass:@"DEF"];
[loginCntrl verify];
[example verify];
This code allows forces the real success block to be invoked with the argument you specify, which you can then verify.