Is there a way of reading one single character from the user input? For instance, they press one key at the terminal and it is returned (sort of like getch()
If I'm doing something complicated I'll use curses to read keys. But a lot of times I just want a simple Python 3 script that uses the standard library and can read arrow keys, so I do this:
import sys, termios, tty
key_Enter = 13
key_Esc = 27
key_Up = '\033[A'
key_Dn = '\033[B'
key_Rt = '\033[C'
key_Lt = '\033[D'
fdInput = sys.stdin.fileno()
termAttr = termios.tcgetattr(0)
def getch():
ch =
if len(ch) == 1:
if ord(ch) < 32 or ord(ch) > 126:
ch = ord(ch)
elif ord(ch[0]) == 27:
ch = '\033' + ch[1:]
termios.tcsetattr(fdInput, termios.TCSADRAIN, termAttr)
return ch