I\'m still pretty much a beginner in kotlin and android studio. I can access most of the android widgets but I cannot access files and so far I managed to come across only the f
You need to use internal or external storage directory for your file.
val path = context.getFilesDir()
val path = context.getExternalFilesDir(null)
If you want to use external storage you'll need to add a permission to the manifest:
Create your directory:
val letDirectory = File(path, "LET")
Then create your file:
val file = File(letDirectory, "Records.txt")
Then you can write to it:
FileOutputStream(file).use {
it.write("record goes here".getBytes())
or just
file.appendText("record goes here")
And read:
val inputAsString = FileInputStream(file).bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }