I have a working application using the spring-security kerberos extension, running on jboss, running java 6.
I\'m in the process of upgrading my jvm from java 6 to jav
Yes! We patched SunJaasKerberosTicketValidator to look like this and it worked:
String keyTabPath = this.keyTabLocation.getURL().toExternalForm();
String runtimeVersion = System.getProperty("java.version");
if (runtimeVersion.startsWith("1.7"))
LOG.info("Detected jdk 7. Modifying keytabpath");
if (keyTabPath != null)
if (keyTabPath.startsWith("file:"))
keyTabPath = keyTabPath.substring(5);
LOG.info("KeyTabPath: " + keyTabPath);
LoginConfig loginConfig = new LoginConfig(keyTabPath, this.servicePrincipal,