I want to call a named_scope that will only return one record, but the named_scope returns an array, that\'s not a big deal as I can just chain it with .first:
I think you've already done the thin controller thing by putting the query into a named scope where it can be reused. Here is some code I used before I started using named scopes.
def mock_comm(stubs={})
@mock_comm ||= mock_model(Comm, stubs)
describe "responding to GET index" do
it "should expose all comms as @comms" do
get :index
assigns[:comms].should == [mock_comm]
# ...
I would probably write code quite similar to what you have already, but maybe put it in a helper that allows me to reuse it. The other thing is to use a different mocking framework that maybe gives you more control. Have a look at Ryan Bates' railscast on RSpec - it's a bit old now but still some good ideas in there.