There was an interview test in which below was the table and structure
Table Person = id, name, dob, dod, mother_id, father_id
Primary Key (id)
Foreign Key mo
You can always have foreign key that link to the same table.. There is not problem in that..
See, suppose you are storing a person record in the table, now that person would be having mother and father. And mother
and father
both are themselves a person.. so, they are itself a record of the same table..
Suppose you have following two records in Person table: -
id name age mother_id
1 xyz 24 5
5 abc 57 6
So, from the above table you see that, person
with id = 5
is actually mother of person with id = 1
.. So, it is a foreign key
referencing the same table..
So, here rather than performing a join
operation with a different table, you have to perform join with the same table..
Person p1 join Person p2
WHERE p1.mother_id =
This query will select the record of mother
of your current record..