I have a Draggable/Sortable set of lists that I am dynamically adding items to, but the trouble is, that once an item has been added, it\'s not possible to move them to the new
You have to call .draggable()
for each element that gets added. The jQuery selector that you use at initialization time only applies to elements that exist at the moment, not to the ones you will create.
Here's some JS that should work:
var draggable_opts = {
connectToSortable: ".sph-callout-portlet",
helper: "clone",
opacity: 0.75,
revert: 'invalid',
stop: function(event, ui) {
$(function() {
$( ".sph-callout-portlet" ).sortable({
opacity: 0.75,
placeholder: "ui-state-highlight",
$( "#sph-callout-portlet-avail li" ).draggable(draggable_opts);
var newCo = $('- New Callout