It's exceptional if:
It is a failure condition. AND
It happens infrequently and
unexpectedly. AND
There is no better mechanism for
reporting it.
Stealing blatantly from Dan Weinreb's blog entry, which Ken posted about here, I'd like to offer the following summary of what exceptions are about.
The method's contract defines how
(and whether) unusual conditions
(ie. failures) are signaled. If the
method says something is an
exception, it just is. Of course,
this leaves open the question of how
we should design the contract.
Exceptions have the benefit of not
requiring any checking by the
caller, as well as naturally
bubbling up until they are caught by
something able to handle them. They
can also contain significant detail,
user-readable text and stack traces.
These features make them ideal for
failure cases that prevent further
processing but are not predictable
or common, or where explicit
error-handling would be disruptive
to code flow. They are especially
good for errors that "should never
happen" but are catastrophic in
effect (such as a stack overflow).
Flags, error codes, magic values
and other return-based mechanisms do
not commandeer flow, and are
therefore better suited for cases
that are common and best handled
locally, especially those where the
failure can be worked around. As
they operate by convention and not
fiat, you cannot count on them to be
detected and handled, except that an
invalid value may be designed to
cause an exception if actually used
(such as an INVALID_HANDLE being
used to read).
When using exceptions in robust
code, each method should catch
unexpected exceptions and wrap them
inside an exception from the
contract. In other words, if your
method does not promise to throw
NullReferenceException, you need to
catch it and rethrow it inside
something more general or specific.
They're called exceptions, not